Introduction To Voiceover
Straight Talk About Talking
This 3-hour course is designed for individuals who have an interest in voiceover as a career. After completion, you'll be armed with the knowledge you’ll need to help make an educated decision about coaching and training to become a professional voice actor. Searching the internet to answer your voiceover related questions can be frustrating and can lead you down the rabbit hole. What a waste of time and energy. This course will save you tons of time and will give you the real answers that you've been searching for.
* What kinds of coaching and training will you need?
* Will you need to build a broadcast quality home studio?
* What equipment is vital to your success?
* Can you make a living doing voiceover?
* How do you start a part-time or full-time career?
* What is a demo and do you need one?
* Should you produce your own demo? (the answer is no)
* Where do you find voiceover jobs or audition opportunities?
Throughout this course, you’ll hear honest conversation about the voiceover industry and where your voice may fit into the big picture. If you want to cut through the online noise and find real answers to your questions, this course is for you.
Voiceover is an amazing career. Is it right for you? Just like any career, voiceover takes training, hard work and dedication. Do you have what it takes to be your own boss? Are you willing to put in the time and work it takes to be successful? Join your Instructor and Professional Voice Actor Rhonda Phillips to explore the wild world of voiceover. No fluff. No B.S. Just honest answers.
Need some great resources? Get it here: Introduction To Voiceover Resources
Introduction To Voiceover - Straight Talk About Talking
Rhonda Phillips
Your Role As An Entrepreneur
How To Get Started
Genre Exploration
Software or DAW - Digital Audio Workstations
Microphones, Interface and Monitor Speakers
Home Studio Exploration
Coaching For Success
What kinds of training will you need?
Demo Production and Costs
Demo Explorations
Websites - Do you need one?
Customer Relationship Management/Tracking/Invoicing
Marketing and More Marketing
What is Branding and why is it important?
Set Your Business Up For Success
Pay To Play Casting Sites AKA P2P Sites
Do You Need An Agent?
Key Players in the VO industry
Don't Spill The Beans
Charge What Your Worth! (undercutting is bad)
What to do and what not to do
Rejection. Can you handle it?
Union and Non-Union Work
Write A Business Plan
Studio Etiquette - Things to do and not to do
Tips from The Pros
A message from Rhonda
Subscribe to my Introduction To Voiceover channel on YouTube!
Introduction To Voiceover YouTube Channel
FREE PREVIEWCoaching and Demo Production Resources
Find out if a career in VOICEOVER is right for you today!